Title: Books and...
Character: Roberto Petro Scozzari
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Cliché tattoo and long hair. In a library... Oh, perfect man. With perfect body... And in a perfect place. And who will tell me that books are bad?
In the forest
Title: Werewolfs likes punk rock too
Character: Andre Corrado
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Oh God, please save the Queen. Please give me some cheap wine and let me lay here forever drunk.
Character: Andre Corrado
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Oh God, please save the Queen. Please give me some cheap wine and let me lay here forever drunk.
This is real magic
Title: And this is my magic
Character: Roberto Petro Scozzari, Marie Kestrel
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Take me where all is different. Where everything belongs only to us. Where no one will break this embrace.
Character: Roberto Petro Scozzari, Marie Kestrel
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Take me where all is different. Where everything belongs only to us. Where no one will break this embrace.
And then darkness came
Title: You're mine
Character: Yasterin, Keidaro, Elder God
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: "Łańcuch" by Julia Mejbaum
Story behind this picture:
The best thing in this picture is that all of the characters can say those three words : You are mine.
"So the darkness came that night and the god said he will never go away. He will never let him go".
Character: Yasterin, Keidaro, Elder God
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: "Łańcuch" by Julia Mejbaum
Story behind this picture:
The best thing in this picture is that all of the characters can say those three words : You are mine.
"So the darkness came that night and the god said he will never go away. He will never let him go".
Watching as the world burns
Title: Where the wild things are
Character: Me and my life mate
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
"So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war"
(Metallica - Where the wild thigs are)
Character: Me and my life mate
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
"So wake up sleepy one
It's time to save your world
You're where the wild things are
Yeah, toy soldiers off to war"
(Metallica - Where the wild thigs are)
Title: SG- 10
Character: Aaron Tyler, Abby Summer i Mike Goll'ville.
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: Stargate (I do not own any of SG franchise)
Story behind this picture:
What is needed for a nice storm in a teacup? I'm sure You have to take two soldiers (one incredibly big and strong and the other with gorgeous smile) and red head doctor who loves Star Trek.
Character: Aaron Tyler, Abby Summer i Mike Goll'ville.
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: Stargate (I do not own any of SG franchise)
Story behind this picture:
What is needed for a nice storm in a teacup? I'm sure You have to take two soldiers (one incredibly big and strong and the other with gorgeous smile) and red head doctor who loves Star Trek.
Title: Hello baby
Character: Jake
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Hello girl, lets talk a while. Lets pretend that we know eachother so well, that we know our deepest secrets. It's nice to pretend we are friends. Or maybe You want it to be true?
Character: Jake
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Hello girl, lets talk a while. Lets pretend that we know eachother so well, that we know our deepest secrets. It's nice to pretend we are friends. Or maybe You want it to be true?
Title: Witch hour
Character: Samedi
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
And so there is, the witch hour. Take a glass of fine wine, look at the fire and be hypnotised by flames. And then go to crossroads to meet Samedi.
Character: Samedi
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
And so there is, the witch hour. Take a glass of fine wine, look at the fire and be hypnotised by flames. And then go to crossroads to meet Samedi.
Gone with autumn
Title: Autumn in London
Character: Adrian
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Adrian is a really nice, british guy who like long walks. Autumn in London is mostly foggy and rainy so he is trying to catch the last sun rays.
Character: Adrian
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Story behind this picture:
Adrian is a really nice, british guy who like long walks. Autumn in London is mostly foggy and rainy so he is trying to catch the last sun rays.
I'm Aleksandra Lendzian aka Plus-I-Minus. Here you can see my pictures that aren't published yet at Deviantart (or never meant to be published there).
You cannot use my works for anything at all. If you want any of my pictures send me an e-mail : aleksandralendzian@gmail.com so we can talk about it, but I cannot promise anything. If you want to commision me - feel free to send an email or phone me : +48 666363223.
You cannot use my works for anything at all. If you want any of my pictures send me an e-mail : aleksandralendzian@gmail.com so we can talk about it, but I cannot promise anything. If you want to commision me - feel free to send an email or phone me : +48 666363223.
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