
Title: One eyed old man
Character: Odin
Medium: Photoshop CS4

Story behind this picture:

 "And he told me when this world was young 
 into it's depths his eye he had thrown
 So that though one eyed,

 he could see more than can be seen."

(Bathory - The Lake)

Caprica Six

Title: Angel
Character: Caprica Six
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: Battlestar Galactica

Story behind this picture:

 "Dei Kobol una apita uthoukarana

Ukthea mavatha gaman kerimuta
Obe satharane mua osavathamanabanta
Api obata yagnya karama

(Bear McCreary - Lords Of Kobol)


Title: Curse
Character: Ravenjenta
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Universe: from novel "Abiosis"

Story behind this picture:

 "Have you ever loved a woman
Who instead of give or trade
Would seduce you with a trade

Share the snake with us,

Swallow the snake for us...

(Moonspell - Magdalene)


Title: Trying to find You
Character: Astrid Gundersen, Martin Svenson
Medium: Photoshop CS4, Maya 3d studio
Universe: from novel "Abiosis"

Story behind this picture:

 " You know the way
Find here, today
Right there, behind you. "

(Adam Hamilton - Trying to find You)


Title: Pride
Character: Raizo
Medium: Photoshop CS4, Maya 3d studio
Universe: from novel "Abiosis"

Story behind this picture:

 " Take it. Break it. 
Rape it. Forsake it.
In time you will
Find it. Maim it.

Thrill it and shame it
In time you will
Steal my pride
. "

(Seether - Pride)

Let it rain

Title: Let it rain
Character: Ashke
Medium: Photoshop CS4, Maya 3d studio
Universe: from novel "Abiosis"

Story behind this picture:

 " Let it rain, let it rain,
Make the pain go away
In my brain let, it rain, let it rain.
All this pain in my brain
always drives me insane
In God's name all this pain is a shame.

(Nana - Let it rain)


Title: Damned
Medium: Photoshop CS4
Illustration for short novel "Damned" wrote by Marcin A. Guzek

Story behind this picture:

Will be published on:  http://bestiariusz.pl